The city of Wuhan, has been almost completely deserted. The streets are empty as the lockdown reaches its first month.
However, one factory continues to work round the clock as many others remain shut. 2,600 employees in Wuhan Guide Infrared Co. have been fulfilling a surge of orders for fever detection systems to help contain the epidemic.
Even one of the company’s biggest customers, the Chinese military, has to wait. The company halted the production of night vision scopes and other products to produce more fever detection systems that range from $5,000 to $30,000. Within a month, their company’s shares have surged 85.9%.
With the heightened health and safety measures in place due to COVID-19, more and more infrared fever screening systems can be found all over the world. They are strategically placed at the entrances and exits of shopping malls, offices, and airports, to list a few.
with installers scrambling to install this import,
Fever Screening Systems can be Seen Everywhere